The ultimate guide to honed blocks

The ultimate guide to honed blocks

You may not have heard of honed blocks before, but you’ve no doubt seen them in building applications. They are a fantastic choice to create a decorative and distinctive look and will open up a world of possibilities for your build. Here’s what you need to know about honed blocks – and why you should choose them for your next building project.

honed blocks

What exactly are honed blocks?

You’ve no doubt heard of concrete blocks – well, honed blocks are essentially an upmarket version of these workhouse building materials. They are made from concrete that contains a variety of aggregates (inclusions), and the surface is then ‘honed’ to display the underlaying aggregates. The honing process grinds away around 2 – 3mm of material from the surface of the block, producing a matt exposed-aggregate finish that is very attractive. If you’re looking for distinctive, highly finished walls that will add a touch of class and elegance to any building project, look no further than honed blocks.

So, what are aggregates?

Great – but what are aggregates, you say? Well, aggregates are smaller materials included in the concrete mix that add strength, dimensional stability and aesthetic appeal to the finished product. Aggregates can be fine or coarse, and can help prevent the concrete from cracking. Typical materials used as aggregates in a concrete mix might include:

  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Rocks
  • Demolition concrete
  • Recycled brick pieces

Aggregates can be chosen to either contrast or blend with the base concrete mix – it depends what kind of look you are aiming to achieve.

What are the advantages of honed blocks?

Honed blocks, like other concrete blocks, provide strength, durability and ease of use. When used individually, or combined with other surface textures, honed blocks will assist in the visual appeal of contemporary designs, whether commercial or residential.

People choose to use honed blocks because they:

  • Have a matt finish
  • Provide a unique exposed aggregate look that is ideal for features
  • Can complement a wide variety of colour-schemes and styles
  • Provide choice and individuality
  • Are suitable for load-bearing and non-loading applications
  • Require low to zero maintenance
  • Provide high fire protection
  • Provide excellent thermal and acoustic performance
  • Are available in a wide range of colours
  • Use quality oxide pigments to provide long-lasting colour
  • Can include additives to reduce water absorption
  • Have a high strength to weight ratio
  • Are long-lasting, durable and resilient  

Where would you use honed blocks?
Honed blocks are very versatile and are suitable for a wide range of load-bearing and non-load-bearing applications, both commercial and residential. Honed blocks can be used for:

  • Commercial and residential buildings
  • Designer homes
  • External and internal walls for both residential and commercial projects
  • Pillars and fences
  • External and internal feature walls
  • Retaining walls
  • Can be core-filled for reinforced concrete wall applications

Are honed blocks expensive?

Honed blocks are considered a value-added masonry product, so are a little more expensive than the base product. But when you consider the value they add, how durable and low maintenance they are and how long they last, they provide a very good return on investment. You’ll certainly get your money’s worth of value from honed blocks – and they will improve the re-sale value of your home or business premises when it comes time to sell. When you spread the cost of the blocks over the length of time they will last, they are a very cost-effective building choice that will give your next project the winning edge.

Find best blocks for retaining walls >>

What maintenance do honed blocks need?

Really, very little. They should be cleaned after installation and then sealed with a quality penetrating sealer to help prevent the likelihood and severity of efflorescence (mineral deposits that form on the blocks) and general staining. Once you’ve done this, they require very minimal maintenance.

How to store your honed blocks before use

Before using your honed blocks, keep them dry on the building site where they’ll be installed. Ensure they are covered securely to prevent dampness and moisture entering the blocks.

Insider installation tips for honed blocks

When building with honed blocks, freshly laid walls must be covered overnight and when rain interrupts work, to prevent moisture entering the cores of the blocks. Failing to do so will increase the likelihood of efflorescence.

You may get some variation in colour between blocks, due to natural variations in the raw materials used. Colour variations can also occur from batch to batch. If you want your blocks to all look similar in colour, ensure you order all you need at the same time. As well, to obtain a consistent finish and minimise variations in colour, blend your blocks (drawing blocks from multiple pallets rather than the same one) as you lay.

Ready to use these beautiful building blocks yourself? To discover a great range of honed blocks that are manufactured locally to strict Australian standards by National Masonry, click here:


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